Terms & Conditions

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Introduction and Definitions


GO GO Lancer is an online marketplace that enables professional service purchasers (referred to as “Employers”) to look for, negotiate, and manage professional service provider contracts (“Freelancers” and, collectively with Employers, “Registered Users”). The website has features that, among other things, let employers and freelancers perform the following:

Employers: Post Jobs, look for Freelancers, interact with Freelancers, offer Freelancers Jobs, manage Jobs, provide Freelancers Feedback, and pay Freelancers.

Freelancers: build profiles, promote skills, submit quotes, bargain with employers, secure job awards, invoice, get employer feedback, and get paid by employers.

Additionally, we provide registered users a number of services that are outlined in these Terms of Service and are subject to them (as further defined below, the “Services”). We reserve the right to add, remove, or modify any or all of these Services at any time, with fair advance notice displayed on the Website. The following definitions apply to capitalized terms used in these Terms of Service.

Account: Refers to the user account that the website creates after a user registers.

Assumed Payment Liabilities: GO GO Lancer offers to assume a certain percentage of a Freelancer’s overall service fees for a Job in exchange for service fees.

Employer’s Acceptance of Services: This refers to the earlier to occur of the following events: (a) Employer and the Freelancer agree as to the rightful recipient of the funds; or (b) Employer and the Freelancer have successfully completed the process entailing the Arbitration Service.

GO GO Lancer Invoice Service and SafePay Service are referred to as the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services combined.

Service Fees: Refers to the Job, Handling, Withdraw, and Arbitration Service Fees, as appropriate.

Services refers to the 1099 Service, the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Service, and the Arbitration Service taken as a whole.

Website: Refers to Go Go lancer.com official website, which is accessible at http://gogolancer.com or any other URL.





You must be a legal entity or an individual who is eighteen (18) years of age or older and capable of entering into legally binding contracts in order to utilize our Services through our Website. You must agree to all of the terms and conditions in, incorporated by reference into, and referred to by these Terms of Service in order to register as a user. By signing up as a Registered User, you consent to (1) comply with the Terms of Service and the policies, rules, and guidelines outlined throughout the Website; (2) bear financial responsibility for your use of the Website and the acquisition or provision of services; and (3) carry out your obligations as outlined in any Job Agreements you accept, unless doing so would violate the law or the Terms of Service. GO GO Lancer.com maintains the right to deny, suspend, or discontinue Services to anyone in its sole discretion.


You must register for an Account in order to access Services and become a Registered User. As required by the registration form and any other forms you access on the website, you promise to submit true, accurate, and complete information. You also agree to update this information as necessary to keep it true, accurate, and complete.

Accounts and profiles

The website will create your account with GO GO Lancer.com and assign it an account number once you have registered as a Registered User. In accordance with Section 2, you are able to establish a profile under your Account (D). Password and username. You will be required to select a username and password for the Account after registering. As a registered user, you acknowledge that it is your exclusive responsibility to protect the privacy of the username and password you use to access this website. You give GO GO Lancer.com permission to assume that anyone accessing the Website using your username and password is either you or has your permission to act on your behalf. You commit to let us know right away if you believe the account has been used without your permission.


Employer and Freelancer

An Employer and a Freelancer are responsible for engaging, managing, and contracting for a Job. The following agreements are made upon acceptance of a Quote: (a) the Job Agreement between the Employer and the Freelancer, which includes the Quote, Job Description, and other terms and conditions as communicated between the Employer and the Freelancer on the Website or otherwise; (b) these Terms of Service; and (c) any other content uploaded to the Website by GO GO Lancer.com (collectively, the “Job Agreement”). You consent to refrain from signing any agreements that clash with these Terms of Service. Any clause in a job agreement that is at odds with these terms of service is null and void.  Employer is in charge of overseeing, checking, accepting, and paying for satisfactory services and deliverables in a timely way and in line with the Job Agreement. In accordance with the Job Agreement and in a timely manner, the Freelancer is accountable for the execution and quality of the services. Both the Employer and the Freelancer promise to perform the Job Agreement in good faith and with fair dealing.

Each party—Employer and Freelancer—acknowledges and accepts that they are working as independent contractors. Nothing in these Terms of Service shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employer-employee relationship between the Freelancer and the Employer, or between GO GO Lancer.com and any such Employer or Freelancer. The Freelancer shall perform services as an independent contractor.

Registered Users and GO GO Lancer

GO GO Lancer.com is not involved in any of the negotiations, agreements, or tasks that are carried out between an Employer and a Freelancer. GO GO Lancer.com has no control over and makes no representations regarding the caliber, safety, or legality of any services rendered or deliverables produced, advertised, the veracity or accuracy of Job listings, the credentials, histories, or skills of Registered Users, the capacity of Freelancers to provide services, the capacity of Employers to pay for services, or the ability of either an Employer or a Freelancer to actually complete a Job. The way a Freelancer conducts business is not GO GO Lancer.com responsibility or control, and the company is not engaged in the Freelancer’s hiring, firing, disciplinary actions, or working conditions. Only an Employer and a Freelancer have the exclusive rights and obligations for the purchase and selling of services or other deliverables. GO GO Lancer.com will not give any Freelancer any supplies or equipment necessary to finish a Job. For the enforcement and fulfillment of all rights and responsibilities resulting from Job Agreements and any other terms, conditions, representations, or warranties related to such dealings, Employers and Freelancers shall have sole recourse to the other.

Both the Employer and the Freelancer acknowledge and concur that their execution of the covenants and commitments outlined in their Job Agreement will determine the Website’s worth, reputation, and goodwill. In order to enforce the obligations owed to and the advantages granted to GO GO Lancer.com by these Terms of Service, Employer and Freelancer appoint GO GO Lancer.com as a third-party beneficiary of their Job Agreement. Employers and Freelancers also acknowledge that GO GO Lancer.com may, in its sole discretion, suspend, terminate, or take other legal action with respect to the Job Agreement or their Accounts as GO GO Lancer.com, in its sole discretion, deems necessary to safeguard the value, reputation, and goodwill of the Website.

There is no relationship of agency, franchise, partnership, or joint venture between you and GO GO Lancer.com other than and only to the extent expressly stated in these Terms of Service and any registration for or subsequent use of this Website by any user or Registered User.

The payment and reporting of any taxes is the responsibility of registered users. Unless otherwise agreed to by both parties pursuant to the terms of any provision of tax services provided to you by GO GO Lancer.com, GO GO Lancer.com is not required to determine the applicability of any taxes or to remit, collect, or report any such applicable taxes other than in connection with the 1099 Service. You commit to abiding by any tax laws, rules, and common law that are both state and federally applicable.  GO GO Lancer.com will consider any notification of non-compliance with any such statute, rule, or common law, including, but not limited to, an Internal Revenue Service Levy, a breach of this provision and will suspend your Account until GO GO Lancer.com gets an Internal Revenue Service Release.


We reserve the right to alter any fees related to GO GO Lancer.com at any time and at GO GO Lancer.com sole discretion. There will be no refunds for already paid fees.

GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services


Freelancers can issue invoices through the GO GO Lancer Invoice Service, and Employers can pay for services.

The electronic invoice form (the “Invoice”) must be filled out and sent to Go GO Lancer.com via the Website by the Freelancer after providing services to the Employer. For each and every payment, a Freelancer must fill out and submit an invoice to GO GO Lancer.com.

With the help of the SafePay Service, Employers can delegate some payment-related duties to GO GO Lancer.com.

GO GO Lancer.com will, at an Employer’s request, take over responsibility for paying a Freelancer for services delivered after an Employer pays Guru.com for such services (less applicable Service Charge). GO GO Lancer.com has agreed to hold off on paying freelancers for their work until an employer has accepted their work. You agree that whenever you transmit funds to GO GO Lancer.com, the funds become GO GO Lancer’s property instantly. However, if either (a) a Freelancer acknowledges that services have not been rendered or (b) Employer and Freelancer have successfully completed the process entailing the Arbitration Service with a conclusion indicating that Employer is the proper recipient of such funds, GO GO Lancer.com agrees to refund such funds to Employer.  GO GO Lancer.com promises to inform the Employer and Freelancer of the Assumed Payment Liability’s status and to advise them both that the case will be resolved through the Arbitration Service if, for any reason, one of them seeks arbitration.

SafePay Disputes: Both the Employer and the Freelancer agree that GO GO Lancer.com shall not be obligated to pay any party with respect to applicable fees until the dispute has been resolved in accordance with Section 6 below. This applies whether the Employer or Freelancer reasonably disputes the quality or completion of the services rendered by the relevant Freelancer. The resolution of all pending issues regarding any Payment is a condition of GO GO Lancer’s duty to pay any Payment (minus any applicable Service Charge).

Funds Transfer

You must request any payments that are owed to you and specify which of the funds transfer options you choose from the list on the Website in order to receive them. Any such requests shall be governed by the terms and limitations set forth in these Terms of Service and on the Website. Regardless of any other provision of these Terms of Service, GO GO Lancer.com shall have the right to refuse to process any request if GO GO Lancer.com judges in its sole judgment that the Registered User has violated the terms and conditions of the Website or these Terms of Service.

Hold on Transfers: GO GO Lancer.com maintains the right to halt any requested transfers at its sole discretion if it believes the funds may be at risk of chargeback, bank reversal, failure to clear, or fraud. A hold will be released by GO GO Lancer.com as soon as it is possible.

Relations with the law

Regarding any money that have been sent to GO GO Lancer.com for any Assumed Payment Liabilities, GO GO Lancer.com is not acting as your agent.

Each Freelancer is responsible for correctly discharging and crediting Employers for all payments made to them by GO GO Lancer.com in exchange for services rendered to those Employers.

By developing, hosting, maintaining, and making available to you over the Internet the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services, GO GO Lancer.com serves as a payment provider. The services that are billed or paid for using the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services are not under the authority of GO GO Lancer.com. GO GO Lancer.com moreover has no control over whether an Employer or Freelancer will really finish the underlying transaction. GO GO Lancer.com assumes no liability for the promptness or correctness of the invoicing or the timeliness, accuracy, completion, or quality of any work product delivered by a Freelancer in response to a Job award.  Nothing in these Terms of Service shall be construed as extending or modifying any guarantee, liability, or indemnification provided in these Terms of Service or designating GO GO Lancer.com as your agent with respect to any service purchased and sold by Registered Users through the Website.

You hereby fully acknowledge and agree that by utilizing the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services.

GO GO Lancer.com isn’t acting in the capacity of a trustee or fiduciary on behalf of Employers or Freelancers, and the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services are offered to Registered Users on an administrative basis;

GO GO Lancer.com IS NOT A BANK AND ANY PAYMENTS TRANSFERRED THROUGH GO GO Lancer.com ARE NOT INSURED DEPOSITS AND ARE SUBJECT TO DEFAULT, LOSS, OR FORFEITURE. Guru.com is not a “financial institution” as defined by the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), and the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services are payment services rather than banking services.

Additional Payment Terms

Final Authorized Payments By using the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services, you agree to pay for any sums we may deduct from transactions and charge to your credit card, bank account, or PayPal account as necessary. Once approved, these payments are irrevocable. Once an employer accepts the services, GO GO Lancer.com is no longer liable to anyone for the payment for those services, (ii) the employer recognizes that GO GO Lancer.com has provided a full service in exchange for the payment for the Assumed Payment Liability or Invoice, as appropriate, and the employer hereby releases GO GO Lancer.com from all liability with regard to that Payment.

Chargebacks and incorrect or duplicate transactions are examples of fraudulent transactions. If GO GO Lancer.com discovers a fraudulent transaction, an incorrect or duplicate transaction, or if GO GO Lancer.com receives a charge back or reversal from any Employer’s credit card company, bank, or PayPal for any reason, GO GO Lancer.com reserves the right to seek reimbursement from you and you will reimburse GO GO Lancer.com. You consent to and recognize GO GO Lancer’s right to check every transaction for fraud. Furthermore, you consent to assist GO GO Lancer.com with any reasonable requests it makes in an effort to look into any fraud.  You consent that GO GO Lancer.com may collect this payment from you using any legal means, including charging your account, withholding funds from upcoming transfers, charging your credit card or any bank account linked to your account, or by engaging a third party collection agency. Your account may be terminated for failure to pay for chargeback reimbursements or payment reversals.

Currency: Because GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment operate in US Dollars, GO GO Lancer.com is not liable for exchange rate fluctuations that happen when charging or crediting a credit or debit card issued in a different currency than US Dollars. GO GO Lancer.com is also not liable for exchange rate fluctuations that happen when receiving or sending money via wire transfer, check, or automated clearinghouse to and from your bank account, credit card account, or PayPal account.

Employers agree to make all payments to Freelancers through the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services, whether they are initial, subsequent, or follow-on payments. Exclusivity and Non-Circumvention Additionally, you consent to refrain from taking any action that may undermine the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services or any related charges. As a Freelancer, you consent to using GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services to get any payments, whether initial, subsequent, or follow-on, from Employers found through the Website. You also agree not to avoid paying any costs related to the Guru Billing and Payment Services.

Agreement to Pay: You agree to pay any sums you have authorized to be paid through the use of the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services immediately upon demand from GO GO Lancer.com if, for any reason, GO GO Lancer.com does not receive payment for such amounts. Additionally, you consent to reimburse GO GO Lancer.com for any interest fees, legal costs, and other collection expenses incurred in obtaining the authorized but unpaid sum from you. In this situation, GO GO Lancer.com may, at its discretion, suspend processing any additional payments received by you and apply any funds subsequently held on your behalf by GO GO Lancer.com toward any deficits, losses, or expenses we have incurred as a result of your use of the GO GO Lancer Billing and Payment Services.  Additionally, we may file the proper reports with credit bureaus, financial institutions, tax authorities, and law enforcement officials, and we may also work with them in any ensuing inquiry or prosecution.

Privacy And Confidentiality

The terms of these Terms of Service and the GO GO Lancer.com Privacy Policy apply to your use of the Website and the services offered therein. You must read the GO GO Lancer.com Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. We advise you to do so and to print a copy for your records. The Privacy Policy is available on the Website and may occasionally be modified. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee that your personal information won’t be disclosed in methods not covered by the Privacy Policy.  You authorize us to disclose information that we deem, in our sole discretion, is necessary or appropriate. We may be obliged by law to reveal information to governmental authorities, law enforcement agencies, or other parties upon subpoena.

Intellectual Property

Content on GO GO Lancer.com

The terms of these Terms of Service and the GO GO Lancer.com IP Policy apply to your use of the Website and the services offered therein. You must read the GO GO Lancer.com IP Policy, which is incorporated here by reference. We advise you to do so and to print a copy for your records. The IP Policy is available on the website and may occasionally be amended.


Adherence to the law

You are in charge of adhering to all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws, rules, and treaties while bearing in mind that access to the website’s contents might not be permitted by some individuals or in certain nations.

Amendment and Waiver

None of our rights or remedies under these Terms of Service may be amended or waived by GO GO Lancer.com unless such modification or waiver is made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of GO GO Lancer.com. No failure or delay on the part of GO GO Lancer.com to exercise any rights or remedies will limit those rights or be taken to be a waiver of those rights. Any one-time or limited use of a right or remedy does not prevent continued use of that right or remedy.


If any portion of these terms of service is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portions will continue to be fully enforceable and the unenforceable portion will be given effect to the maximum degree practicable.

Affectation or Transfer

Without the express written consent of GO GO Lancer.com, you will not transfer, assign, or delegate your rights or duties (including your Account) under these Terms of Service to anyone. Any effort to do so will be void. In its sole discretion, GO GO Lancer.com may assign these Terms of Service.


By changing this posting or any connected information, we reserve the right to change the Terms of Service and all related information at any time and for any reason. The updated terms will come into force when they are posted, unless specifically stated otherwise in such a change.